• J Hall & Co Bracket Clock


    J Hall & Co Bracket Clock

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    J Hall & Co Bracket Clock John Hall and Co Manchester. This is a lovely proportioned ebonised musical fusee Bracket Clock.  The case veneered in fruit wood is ebonised and embellished with brass work throughout.  The fish scale side frets are backed with a rich dark red silk and the rear door is glazed allowing
  • Walnut Vienna Wall Clock


    Walnut Vienna Wall Clock

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    Vienna Wall Clock Walnut Vienna Wall Clock A very nicely proportioned Walnut and ebonised Vienna wall clock.  This clock is a timepiece only so does not strike. The case is a lovely rich walnut embellished with ebonised mouldings and turnings.  The fully restored weight driven movement was made by acclaimed maker Gustav Becker and dated
  • Dial Clock


    Dial Clock

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    Fusee Dial Clock A lovely quality Victorian mahogany dial clock.  This clock has a 12” (30cm) dial behind a cast brass bezel and silvered sight ring.  The case is a lovely rich mahogany timber in good condition and recently French polished. The movement is a fully restored single train (time only) chain fusee unit. The
  • Fusee Drop Dial Wall Clock


    Fusee Drop Dial Wall Clock

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    Fusee Drop Dial Wall Clock A lovely quality mahogany drop dial wall clock made by Bracebridge of London.  This clock features a 12” (30cm) dial behind a cast brass bezel and silvered sight ring. The case is veneered in fine quality figured mahogany veneer, inlayed with brass and has a rebated cast brass window to
  • Victorian Skeleton Clock


    Victorian Skeleton Clock

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    Victorian Skeleton Clock This is a nicely proportioned Victorian skeleton clock estimated to date from around C1875.  The fully restored movement sits on an ebonized base, with brass bun feet, under it's original glass dome. The clock features nicely designed decorative plates fretted out by hand, an engraved waxed and silvered chapter ring and a
  • J C Moore Bracket Clock


    J C Moore Bracket Clock

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    J C Moore Bracket Clock A nicely proportioned small size bracket clock.  Dated between 1828 and 1839 this English fusee timepiece movement features a nicely engraved border on the back plate and pendulum transit lock. The case is made from mahogany and decorated with boxwood inlay.  To the side the clock has silk backed brass